Diploma in International Affairs and Diplomacy

International Affairs and Diplomacy diploma

Objective of the Diploma in International Affairs and Diplomacy
Qualifying academically and professionally specialized cadres in the field of international affairs and diplomacy, capable of performing their duties in ministries, embassies, and international governmental and non-governmental organizations, in accordance with contemporary scientific theories in international relations, political science, and diplomatic and consular work.

Diploma program content
1- Diplomatic and political axis: The program focuses on courses that cover various aspects of political and diplomatic work, especially those related to foreign policy theories, the art of contemporary diplomacy, comparative politics, geopolitics, the general foreign policy of parties, the art of negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution.
2- International legal axis and international organizations: The program pays special attention to international law and international organizations, taking care of the courses that cover the various aspects in this field, especially international law, international organizations, constitutional law, political systems, the law of resolving armed conflicts, and international criminal law. And international treaties.
3- Administrative and economic axis: The program is keen to cover several courses, most notably: the science of public administration, economics and its theories, and the factors influencing international decision-making.
4- Media and communication axis: Given the increasing importance of media and mass communication in diplomatic work within the activities of international organizations, the program covers various courses, which provide the student with appropriate communication and media skills, the most prominent of which are: communication skills, presentation and delivery, and communication skills with the media (the official spokesman). ), diplomatic and media editing and writing skills, public relations skills, crisis communication management, public diplomacy, and state reputation management, in addition to the protocol and protocol course.

The program is directed to

Those who wish to work in international governmental and non-governmental organizations-
Those who wish to work diplomatically in foreign ministries and international organizations-
Those who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of international relations and political science-
Those who want to work in the media field (political talk television presenting)-
Managers working in international governmental and non-governmental organizations-
Workers in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassies and consulates-
Those who wish to join political and diplomatic work-
Heads and members of political parties-
Members of parliaments who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in the political field-
Those who wish to occupy leadership positions in the political field and senior administrations-

Subjects and courses
Principles of political science
Comparative foreign policy
Syrian foreign policy
International relations theory
Contemporary international relations
International security theory
Intelligence and national security
political parties
NGOs and civil society
Public policy and decision making
Introduction to political economy
Theory of international political economy
Foreign trade theories
Economic integration theory
International economic institutions
International economic crises
Syrian economy
Constitutional law and political systems
Public international law
International organizations
Diplomatic and consular law
Settlement of international disputes
International humanitarian law
human rights
Security Council Simulation
Reputation Management
general opinion
International crisis management
critical thinking
Scientific thinking and research methodology
Contemporary diplomacy
Negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution
Ceremony and protocol
Arab-Zionist conflict
Contemporary history of Syria

Certificate: After graduating from the diploma, the trainee will obtain a certificate certified by the Syrian Ministry of Administrative Development and Foreign Affairs.
Number of training hours: 300 academic hours
Duration of study in the diploma: one academic year and nine months
Available live and online
Fees: 7.500.000.
Available discounts:

10% for military personnel and families of martyrs

 10% for brothers registered in one diploma 

10% for those registered in more than one diploma

Requirement for registration in the diploma: Must have a high school diploma as a minimum.

Registration requirements:

-A certified copy of the last certificate obtained.

-A copy of your personal ID.
