About Us

The Syrian International Academy (SIA) was established in the Syrian capital, Damascus, as an educational body specialized in the field of training and qualification, with the contribution of an elite group of experts in the fields of higher education and continuing education in Syria. It is licensed in the registry of official Syrian institutions.

The SIA Academy adopts the vocational learning and training approach. The Academy has concluded cooperation agreements with Arab and international institutions specialized in these fields, ensuring that the Academy is provided with the most up-to-date and modern qualification and training programs, and with the most experienced experts, trainers, and technicians in these magazines. The Academy has also been able to Attracting the best Arab and Syrian academic professors, in addition to the best trainers and professionals in these fields. The academy has adopted an educational and training strategy based on the combination of theory and professionalism, and between the global and the local.


SIA aims to occupy an advanced status in the field of training in the Arab world by employing the experience it accumulated over the course that spans a decade, its partnerships with leading international training and development organizations, and improving capacities.
To achieve this, we have developed specialized programs, signed agreements, partnered with experts, and established a competent infrastructure.


SIA is keen to qualify and develop manpower in private and government institutions so that they can efficiently and distinctly perform their tasks.
This is done through providing individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills for performing their tasks according to the highest standards.
We continuously improve and develop our training programs and delivery methods.
We aim to build strong partnerships with local private and public companies, as well as regional and international organizations engaged in activities related to SIA’s field of work and expertise.
We are keen on acquiring and sharing up-to-date knowledge, in addition to organizing seminars, panel discussions, and conferences.
We conduct and publish studies, researches, books, and references in SIA’s areas of specialty.

We provide consultancy services to ministries and international and regional organizations to improve their various activities.

board of directors

د. سنان ميهوب

  • دكتوراه في علم النفس (علم النفس التربوي والتطويري (بدرجة شرف) الجامعة الحكومية البيلاروسية 1995
  • شهادة ماجستير في الآداب في مجال التربية (علم المكتبات والببلوغرافيا) معهد مينسك للثقافة1990
  • مؤسس ومدير عام الأكاديمية السورية الدولية2007-2023
  • مدير عام دار نشر (السورية للعلاقات العامة)2006-2024
  • مدير عام وصاحب ترخيص مجلة (المصارف والتأمين)2006-2010
  • مؤسس وصاحب ترخيص مجلة " الدبلوماسي" تعنى بالشؤون الدولية والدبلوماسية.2009-2024
  • مؤسسة ومدير هيئة التحرير لمجلة "الدولية" مجلة محكمة صادرة عن الأكاديمية السورية الدولية2022-2024

الدكتور خالد موسى المصري

الدكتورة أمل يازجي

  1. أستاذة في كلية الحقوق بجامعة دمشق.
  2. أستاذة في القانون الدولي العام.
  3. مستشارة اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر – دمشق.
  4. حصلت على دبلوم القانون الدولي والاقتصادي من جامعة باريس الأولى.
  5. حصلت على الدكتوراة في القانون الدولي العام.
  6. خبيرة ومستشارة لمؤسسات وطنية ودولية.

الدكتور مهدي دخل الله

الدكتورة سوزان ولستنهولم

الدكتور سامي مبيض

الدكتور نزار ميهوب

الإعلامي كمال خلف
